Búsqueda por número de registro: 011146

Glorious shade : dazzling plants, design ideas and proven techniques for your shady garden

Jenny Rose Carey.

Portland, Oregon : Timber Press, 2017.

323 págs. : ilustraciones col. ; 26 cm.

ISBN: 9781604696813

Incluye referencias bibliográficas (pages 311-312) e índice.


  • Shades of shade: how to interpret light levels
  • The shade gardener's calendar: seasonal changes
  • Down and dirty: the intertwined, underground world of soil and roots
  • Planting for success: planting techniques and maintenance for the shade garden
  • Designing in the shadows: bright ideas for shady spaces
  • The plant palette: choosing plants for your shade garden.
Registro 011146 · Modificado: 14/08/2019

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