American Society for Testing and Materials. Committee D-19 on Water. |
3216. |
Manual on industrial water and industrial waste water. — 2nd ed.
1965 |
628.1 A512a2
Universidad Nacional del Sur. |
3217. |
Plan integral de abastecimiento de agua a Bahía Blanca y gran Bahía Blanca.
1990 |
628.1 B151
Fair, Gordon Maskew, 1894-1970. |
3218. |
Water supply and waste-water disposal / [by] Gordon Maskew Fair [and] John Charles Geyer. With a chapter on water chemistry by John Morris.
1954 |
628.1 F163
International Research Development Centre. |
3219. |
Searching fresh water : the human imperative.
1989 |
628.1 I21
Schefer, Juan Carlos. |
3220. |
Los recursos hídricos y el abastecimiento de agua : región de Bahía Blanca / Juan Carlos Schefer.
2004 |
628.1 S316
Sbarra, Noel H. |
3221. |
Historia de las aguadas y del molino / Noel H. Sbarra. — 2a ed.
1973 |
628.1140982 S276a2
Autores varios |
3222. |
Rainwater catchment, status and research priorities in the Southeastern Asian region : proceedings of the regional seminar and workshop held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, 29 November to 3 December 1983.
1986 |
628.13 R159
Boby, W. M. T. (William Michael Theodore) |
3223. |
Water treatment data : a handbook for chemists and engineers in industry / [by] W.M.T. Boby and G.S. Solt.
1965 |
628.16 B663
Autores varios |
3224. |
Métodos normalizados para el análisis de aguas potables y residuales / preparado y publicado conjuntamente por: American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation ; comité editorial conjunto: Leonore S. Clesceri, Arnold E. Greenberg, R. Rhodes Trussell ; Mary Ann H. Franson, directora de edición.
1992 |
628.16 F835
3225. |
The bacteriological examination of water supplies : [by the] Department of Health and Social Security [the] Welsh Office [and the] Ministry of Housing and Local Government. — 4th ed.
1969 |
628.161 I51
Prescott, Samuel Cate, 1872- |
3226. |
Water bacteriology : with special reference to sanitary water analysis. — 6th ed.
1946 |
628.161 P933a6
Thresh, John Clough, 1850-1932. |
3227. |
The examination of waters and water supplies / (Thresh, Beale & Suckling). — 7th ed.
1958 |
628.161 T239a7
Symposium on Saline Water Conversion, Cleveland, 1960. |
3228. |
Saline water conversion ; a collection of papers presented before the Division of Water and Waste Chemistry at the 137th national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
1960-1963 |
628.167 A512
Spiegler, K. S. |
3229. |
Principles of desalination / edited by K. S. Spiegler.
1966 |
628.167 S775
Seoánez Calvo, Mariano. |
3230. |
Aprovechamiento y tratamientos agrarios de las aguas residuales urbanas / Mariano Seoánez Clavo ; en este trabajo han colaborado Luis Rodríguez Ramos y Salvador González Carcedo.
1978 |
628.36 Se478
Autores varios |
3231. |
Biotechnology and biodegradation / editors, Daphne Kamely, Ananda Chakrabarty, Gilbert Omenn.
1989 |
628.4 K15
3232. |
Soils for management of organic wastes and waste waters : proceedings of a symposium held 11-13 March, 1975, at the TVA National Fertilizer Development Center, Muscle Shoals, Alabama, and cosponsored by the Soil Science Society of America ... [et al.]. ; editorial committee, L. F. Elliott, co-editor ... [et al.].
1977 |
628.4 N277 1975
3233. |
Bioremediation : science and applications / editors, H.D. Skipper and R.F Turco.
1995 |
628.4 S758
Tcachuc, Carlos Eduardo. |
3234. |
Utilización de las borras obtenidas en la filtración del aceite de soja : una alternativa sustentable para el sudoeste bonaerense / Carlos Eduardo Tcachuc.
2019 |
628.4458 T249
Boulding, Russell. |
3235. |
Practical handbook of soil, vadose zone, and ground-water contamination : assessment, prevention, and remediation / J. Russell Boulding, Jon S. Ginn. — 2nd ed.
2004 |
628.55 B763a2