Biblioteca de Agronomía "Dr. Ovidio Núñez" Departamento de Agronomía - UNS · Catálogo |
Autores varios | ||||
3205. | Proyecto de la red de riego para la zona de Río Colorado y Eugenio del Busto, pcia. de Río Negro : Planos / Agua y Energía Eléctrica. | 1962 |
A691 |
Sainato, Claudia M. | ||||
3206. | Agua subterránea : exploración y utilización agropecuaria / Claudia M. Sainato, Griselda Galindo, Olga S. Heredia. | 2006 |
S132 |
International Symposium on Artificial Groundwater Recharge (3rd : 1998 : Amsterdam) | ||||
3207. | Artificial recharge of groundwater : proceedings of the third International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water : TISAR 98, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 21-25 September 1998 / International Symposium on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water, and Jos H. Peters. | 1998 |
P482 |
India. Central Board of Irrigation and Power. | ||||
3208. | Technological development abroad. | 1962 |
C397 |
Dal-Ré Tenreiro, Rafael. | ||||
3209. | Pequeños embalses de uso agrícola / coordinador y director, Rafael Dal-Ré Tenreiro. | 2003 |
D151 |
Simmons, W. P. | ||||
3210. | Hydraulic design of transitions for small canals / by W. P. Simmons, Jr. | 1964 |
S592 |
United States. Bureau of Reclamation. | ||||
3211. | Diseño de presas pequeñas : una publicación técnica de recursos hidráulicos. | 1967 |
U58 |
3212. | Design of small dams : a water resources technical publication. | 1965 |
U58-1 |
Fourmarier, Paul, 1877- | ||||
3213. | Hydrogéologie : introduction a l'étude des eaux destinées a l'alimentation humaine et à l'industrie / P. Fourmarier. — 2. ed. | 1958 |
F776a2 |
Autores varios | ||||
3214. | Ecological engineering / edited by William J. Mitsch and Sven Erik Jørgensen. | 1989 |
M684 |
Speight, James G. | ||||
3215. | Environmental technology handbook / James G. Speight. | 1996 |
S842 |
American Society for Testing and Materials. Committee D-19 on Water. | ||||
3216. | Manual on industrial water and industrial waste water. — 2nd ed. | 1965 |
A512a2 |
Universidad Nacional del Sur. | ||||
3217. | Plan integral de abastecimiento de agua a Bahía Blanca y gran Bahía Blanca. | 1990 |
B151 |
Fair, Gordon Maskew, 1894-1970. | ||||
3218. | Water supply and waste-water disposal / [by] Gordon Maskew Fair [and] John Charles Geyer. With a chapter on water chemistry by John Morris. | 1954 |
F163 |
International Research Development Centre. | ||||
3219. | Searching fresh water : the human imperative. | 1989 |
I21 |
Schefer, Juan Carlos. | ||||
3220. | Los recursos hídricos y el abastecimiento de agua : región de Bahía Blanca / Juan Carlos Schefer. | 2004 |
S316 |
Sbarra, Noel H. | ||||
3221. | Historia de las aguadas y del molino / Noel H. Sbarra. — 2a ed. | 1973 |
S276a2 |
Autores varios | ||||
3222. | Rainwater catchment, status and research priorities in the Southeastern Asian region : proceedings of the regional seminar and workshop held in Khon Kaen, Thailand, 29 November to 3 December 1983. | 1986 |
R159 |
Boby, W. M. T. (William Michael Theodore) | ||||
3223. | Water treatment data : a handbook for chemists and engineers in industry / [by] W.M.T. Boby and G.S. Solt. | 1965 |
B663 |
Autores varios | ||||
3224. | Métodos normalizados para el análisis de aguas potables y residuales / preparado y publicado conjuntamente por: American Public Health Association, American Water Works Association, Water Pollution Control Federation ; comité editorial conjunto: Leonore S. Clesceri, Arnold E. Greenberg, R. Rhodes Trussell ; Mary Ann H. Franson, directora de edición. | 1992 |
F835 |