Búsqueda por autor: Soil Science Society of America.
Mostrando 1-20 de 45 resultados, ordenados por
Dixon, Joe Boris.
1. Soil mineralogy with environmental applications / co-editors, Joe B. Dixon and Darrell G. Schulze ; editorial committee, James E. Amonette ... [et al.]. 2002
International Conference on Precision Agriculture (3rd : 1996 : Minneapolis, Minn.)
2. Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Precision Agriculture : June 23-26, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota / editors P.C. Robert, R.H. Rust, and W.E. Larson ; conducted by the Precision Agriculture Center, Department of Soil, Water, and Climate, University of Minnesota. 1996
I61 3 1996
National Conference on Forage Quality, Evaluation, and Utilization (1994 : University of Nebraska)
3. Forage quality, evaluation, and utilization / editor, George C. Fahey, Jr. ; associate editors, Michael Collins, David R. Mertens, and Lowell E. Moser. 1994
Soil Science Society of America.
4. Glossary of soil science terms. 1965
Autores varios
5. Agricultural ecosystem effects on trace gases and global climate change : proceedings of a symposium / sponsored by Divisions A-3 and S-3 of the American Society of Agronomy and Soil Science Society of America ; organizing committee, Lowry A. Harper ... [et al.] ; editor[s]-in-chief ... G.A. Peterson, P.S. Baenziger, R.J. Luxmoore. 1993
A512 1991
6. Agricultural ethics : issues for the 21st century : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, and the Crop Science Society of America in Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1992 / organized by Division S-3 (Soil Biology and Biochemistry) ; editorial committee, Peter G. Hartel, Kathryn Paxton George, James Vorst ; managing editor, David M. Kral ; Associate editor, Pamm Kasper. 1994
7. Aquic conditions and hydric soils : the problem soils : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-10 and S-5 of the Soil Science Society of America and A-2 of the American Society of America [i.e. Agronomy] in Seattle, Washington, 14 November 1994 / editors, M.J. Vepraskas and S.W. Sprecher. 1997
S683 1994
8. Chemistry in the soil environment : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Division S-2 of the American Society of Agronomy and the Soil Science Society of America : papers were presented during the annual meetings in Fort Collins, Colorado, August 5-10, 1979 / organizing committee, D. E. Baker ; editorial committee, R. H. Dowdy ... [et al.] ; editor-in-chief, Matthias Stelly ; managing editor, David M. Kral ; assistant editor, Mary Kay Cousin. 1979
9. Cropping strategies for efficient use of water and nitrogen : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-4, S-6, S-8, C-3, and A-6 of the Soil Science Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, and the American Society of Agronomy in Atlanta, GA, 30 Nov. and 1 Dec. 1987 / editor, W.L. Hargrove. 1988
S683 1987
10. Defining soil quality for a sustainable environment : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-3, S-6, and S-2 of the Soil Science Society of America, Division A-5 of the American Society of Agronomy, and the North Central Region Committee on Soil Organic Matter (NCR-59) in Minneapolis, MN, 4-5 November 1992 / editors, J.W. Doran ... [et al.] ; organizing committee, J.W. Doran, J.A.E. Molina, and R.F. Harris ; editor-in-chief SSSA, J.M. Bigham ; managing editor, Susan Ernst. 1994
11. Factors of soil formation : a fiftieth anniversary retrospective : proceedings of a symposium cosponsored by the Council on the History of Soil Science (S205.1) and Division S-5 of the Soil Science Society of America / organizing committee, Ronald Amundson, John Tandarich ; editorial committee, Ronald Amundson, Jennifer Harden, Michael Singer. 1994
12. Fertilizer technology & use / Editorial committee: R. A. Olson, editor-in-chief ... [et al.]. — 2nd ed. 1971
13. Fragipans : their occurrence, classification, and genesis : proceedings of a symposium / sponsored by Divisions S-5 and S-9 of the Soil Science Society of America in Atlanta, GA, 1 Dec. 1987 ; editors, Neil E. Smeck and Edward J. Ciolkosz. 1989
14. Methods for assessing soil quality / editors, John W. Doran and Alice J. Jones ; editorial committee, Richard P. Dick ... [et al.] ; editor-in-chief SSSA, Jerry M. Bigham ; managing editor, David M. Kral ; associate editor, Marian K. Viney. 1996
15. Methods of soil analysis. Part 2, Microbiological and biochemical properties / editorial committee, R.W. Weaver, chair ... [et al.]. 1994
16. Methods of soil analysis. Part 3, Chemical methods / editorial committee, D.L. Sparks ... [et al.]. 1996
17. Micronutrients in agriculture : proceedings of a symposium held at Muscle Shoals, Alabama, April 20-22, 1971 / and cosponsored by the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Soil Science Society of America. Editorial committee: J. J. Mortvedt, chairman, P. M. Giordano [and] W. L. Lindsay. Managing editor: Richard C. Dinauer. Assistant editors: Vonda S. Clark [and] Patricia Eith. 1972
18. Mineral classification of soils : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Divisions S-5 and S-9 of the Soil Science Society of America in Atlanta, GA, 30 Nov. 1981 and Anaheim, CA, 29 Nov. 1982 / J.A. Kittrick, editor. 1985
19. Nutrient mobility in soils : accumulation & losses / editor: Orvis P. Engelstad. — 3rd print. 1970
20. Occurrence, characteristics, and genesis of carbonate, gypsum, and silica accumulations in soils / editor, W.D. Nettleton. 1991

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