Amir, Pervaiz. |
1. |
Conducting on-farm animal research : procedures & economic analysis / Pervaiz Amir and Hendrik C. Knipscheer.
1989 |
338.16 A517
Armitage, F. B. |
2. |
Irrigated forestry in arid and semi-arid lands : a synthesis / F.B. Armitage.
1985 |
634.95 A732
Bene, J.C. |
3. |
El bosque tropical : sobreexplotado y subutilizado / J. G. Bene, H.W. Beall, A. Côté.
1978 |
634.98 B461
Berhane Kiflewahid. |
4. |
By-product utilization for animal production : proceedings of a workshop on applied research held in Nairobi, Kenya, 26-30 September / Berhane Kiflewahid, Gordon R. Potts, and Robert M. Drysdale.
1982 |
636.085 K47
Davy, F. Brian. |
5. |
Induced fish breeding in Southeast Asia : report of a workshop held in Singapore, 25-28 Nov. 1980 / editors: F. Brian Davy and Amy Chouinard.
1981 |
639.3 D268
Delange, F. |
6. |
Cassava toxicity and thyroid : research and public health issues : proceedings of a workshop held in Ottawa, Canada, 31 May - 2 June 1982 / editors: F. Delange, R. Ahluwalia.
1983 |
616.442 D337
7. |
Nutritional factors involved in the goitrogenic action of Cassava / editors, F. Delange, F.B. Iteke, and A.M. Ermans.
1982 |
616.442 D337-1
Devendra, C. |
8. |
Non-conventional feed resources and fibrous agricultural residues : strategies for expanded utilization: proceedings of a Consultation held in Hisar, India, 21-29 March 1988. / edited by C Devendra.
1988 |
636.0855 D489
Ermans, A. M. |
9. |
Role cassava in the etiology of endemic goitre and cretinism / editors, A. M. Ermans ... [et al.].
1980 |
616.442 Er71
Faris, D. G. |
10. |
Agricultural research networks as development tools : views of network coordinator / D.G. Faris.
1991 |
630.72 F224
Fine, Jeffrey C. |
11. |
Livestock in Asia : issues and policies / editors, Jeffrey C. Fine and Ralph G. Lattimore.
1982 |
636.0095 F495
Gomez, Arturo A. |
12. |
Multiple cropping in the humid tropics of Asia / A.A. Gomez and K.A. Gomez.
1983 |
631.58 G633
Harvey , Brian J. |
13. |
Teoría y práctica de la reproducción inducida en los peces / Brian J. Harvey, William S. Hoar.
1980 |
639.3 H341
International Development Research Centre (Canada) |
14. |
Búsqueda : informe anual de actividades del CIID 1980.
1981 |
658.57 I21
International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Africa Branch. Symposium (2nd 1983 Douala, Cameroon) |
15. |
Tropical root crops : production and uses in Africa : proceedings of the Second Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Africa Branch, held in Douala, Cameroon, 14-19 August 1983 / editors, E.R. Terry ... [et al.].
1984 |
633.68 T329
Kategile, Jackson A. |
16. |
Pasture improvement research in eastern and southern Africa : proceedings of a workshop held in Harare, Zimbabwe, 17-21 Sept. 1984. / Jackson A. Kategile.
1985 |
633.2084 K19
LeBlond, Robert. |
17. |
Remote sensing and development : report on IDRC-supported projects in the Sudan, Bolivia, Tanzania, Bangladesh and Mali / Robert LeBlond.
1982 |
621.367 L446
Matlon, Peter. |
18. |
Coming full circle : farmers' participation in the development of technology / editors, Peter Matlon ... [et al.].
1984 |
630.72 M433
Morales-Gómez, Daniel. (21-26 marzo 1987 : Buenos Aires) |
19. |
Tendencias en educación y trabajo en América Latina : resultados de un seminario regional / Daniel Morales-Gomez y María Antonia Gallart (editores).
1989 |
331.1142 M828
Quayle, D. B. |
20. |
Ostras tropicales : cultivos y métodos / D.B. Quayle.
1980 |
639.41 Q2