Búsqueda por autor: Soil Science Society of America. Division S-4. 144852
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1. Soil fertility and organic matter as critical components of production systems : proceedings of a symposium / sponsored by Division S-4, S-2, S-3, and S-8 of the Soil Science Society of America in Chicago, IL, 3 Dec. 1985 ; organizing committee, R.F. Follett, chair ... [et al.]. 1987
2. Soil organic matter : analysis and interpretation / editors, F.R. Magdoff, M.A. Tabatabai, and E.A. Hanlon, Jr. 1996
3. Soil testing : sampling, correlation, calibration, and interpretation : proceedings of a symposium / sponsored by Divisions S-4 ... [et al.] ; editor, J.R. Brown. 1987

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