Búsqueda por autor: International Society of Soil Science. Soil Zoology Committee. 024878
Mostrando 1-4 de 4 resultados, ordenados por
Colloquium on Dynamics of Soil Communities (1966 : Braunschweig and Völkenrode, Germany)
1. Progress in soil biology. : Beiträge zur Bedenbiologie. Travaux récents de la biologie du sol. Proceedings. Verhandlungen des kolloquiums über die Dynamik der Bodenlebensgemeinschaft. Comptes rendus du colloque sur la dynamique de la biocénose du sol. Braunschweig-Völkenrode, 5.-10. September 1966 / Edited by Otto Graff and John E. Satchell. 1967
Colloquium on Research Methods in Soil Zoology (1958 : Harpenden, England)
2. Progress in soil zoology ; papers from a colloquium on research methods organized by the Soil Zoology Committee of the International Society of Soil Science held at Rothamsted Experimental Station, Hertfordshire, 10-14th July, 1958 / Edited by P.W. Murphy. 1962
Colloquium on Soil Fauna, Soil Microflora, and Their Relationships (1962 : Oosterbeek, Netherlands)
3. Soil organisms : proceedings / Editors: J. Doeksen [and] J. van der Drift. 1963
Colloquium Pedobiologiae (4 : 14/19-IX-1970 : Dijon)
4. Organismes du sol et production primaire : IV Colloquium Pedobiologiae ... / Comité de zoologie du sol de l'Association internationale de science du sol. 1971
C714 4 1970

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