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Biogeography and ecology in Australia

edited by A. Keast, R.L. Crocker, C.S. Christian.

Den Haag : W. Junk, 1959.

640 págs. : ilustraciones, mapas ; 25 cm.

Serie: Monographiae biologicae ; v. 8

One contribution in French.

Incluye referencias bibliográficas e índice.


  • I. The uniqueness of Australia in biology / by F.S. Bodenheimer
  • II. The Australian environment / by Allen Keast
  • III. Ecology of primitive aboriginal man in Australia / by Norman B. Tindale
  • IV. Human ecology in Australia / by Griffith Taylor
  • V. The marsupial fauna : its origin and radiation / by E. Le G. Troughton
  • VI. Australian birds : their zoogeography and adaptations to an arid continent / by Allen Keast
  • VII. The reptiles of Australia / by Allen Keast
  • VIII. The freshwater fishes of Australia / by Gilbert P. Whitley.
  • (cont.) IX. The zoogeography of some Australian insects / by J.W. Evans
  • X. Zoogeographical aspects of the Australian dipterofauna / by S.J. Paramonov
  • XI. The ecology and biogeography of Australian grasshoppers and locusts / by K.H.L. Key
  • XII. Aspects of the distribution and ecology of Australian termites / by J.H. Calaby and F.J. Gay
  • XIII. The land and freshwater mollusca of Australia / by Donald F. McMichael and Tom Iredale
  • XIV. The Australian freshwater crustacea / by E.F. Riek.
  • (cont.) XV. La place de l'Australie méditerranéenne dans l'ensemble des pays méditerranéens du Vieux Monde (remarques sur le climat méditerranéen de l'Australie) / par Louis Emberger
  • XVI. The vegetation of Western Australia / by C.A. Gardner
  • XVII. Past climatic fluctuations and their influence upon Australian vegetation / by R.L. Crocker
  • XVIII. The phytogeography of Australia (in relation to radiation of Eucalyptus, Acacia, etc.) / by J.G. Wood
  • XIX. Some aspects of soil ecology / by G.A. Stewart
  • XX. Recent studies on marsupial ecology / by A.R. Main, J.W. Shield, and H. Waring
  • XXI. Marsupial reproduction / by G.B. Sharman.
  • (cont.) XXII. The contribution of banding to Australian bird ecology / by Robert Carrick
  • XXIII. Ecology of wild ducks in inland Australia / by H.J. Frith
  • XXIV. Ecology of Australian frogs / by A.R. Main, M.J. Littlejohn, and A.K. Lee
  • XXV. Ornithosis research in Australia / by J.A.R. Miles
  • XXVI. Vegetation of high mountains in Australia in relation to land use / by A.B. Costin
  • XXVII. Some aspects of ecological research in semi-arid Australia / by N.C.W. Beadle
  • XXVIII. Species distribution and association in Eucalyptus / by L.D. Pryor
  • XXIX. The ecology and prevention of soil erosion / by R.G. Downes.
  • (cont.) XXX. The merino sheep in Australia / by Ian W. McDonald
  • XXXI. Ecological observations on plant communities grazed by sheep in Australia / by R.M. Moore
  • XXXII. The cology of sheep blowflies in Australia / by K.R. Norris
  • XXXIII. The rabbit in Australia / by F.N. Ratcliffe
  • XXXIV. The biological control of prickly pear in Australia / by Alan P. Dodd
  • XXXV. An ecogenetic research programme with introduced plants / by F.H.W. Morley and O.H. Frankel
  • XXXVI. The eco-complex in its importance for agricultural assessment / by C.S. Christian
  • XXXVII. Nature conservation in Australia / by Robert Carrick and Alec B. Costin.
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